01 02 03 MrsDoingMe: Valentine’s Day Blogger Gift Swap 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Valentine’s Day Blogger Gift Swap


Hello Ladies! I'm back to share with you the gifts I received in the current Valentine's Day Blogger Gift Swap. I was going to be single for this past Valentine's Day so I thought it would be fun to join. The swap was hosted by Jasmine from Classy, Sassy, and A Bit Smartassy (love that name don't you!) and Lexi from A Blissful Haven.

I think blogger swaps are great idea and it gives other blogger a change to get to know another blogger on a personal level and the opportunity to discover other blogs as well. I was able to get to know a blogger and choose gift that I thought she would like. For my first swap I was paired with Channing from Echanning . I asked Channing to prepare a short introduction about her blog here is what she said.

"Hi! My name is Channing and I'm a lifestyle blogger over at Echanning. I've been blogging for over a year now and loving every minute of it. Once you get to know me you'll realize I'm ridiculously upbeat (most of the time) and an overuser of exclamation marks. I usually blog about food and beauty as those are the things I'm really passionate about. If you're interested in any of those topics, stop by my blog anytime! I would love to hear from you (see what I mean about overusing exclamation marks) !"

Channing did a great job at reading my blog and understand what it is I love, and that is talking about hair and hair products. Although I trying to expand my content, this is the main focus of my blog. I love receiving mail! It just so exciting to receive snail mail, as many people do not use it anymore! So of course when I open my package it was totally a hair related gift! 

Thank you so much Channing for the thoughtful gift, you truly learned what my passion is and my gift show that! I also want to thank Jasmine and Lexi for hosting this Valentine's Day Blogger Swap!

Have you are participate in blogger swap? If not will you in the future? Leave a comment below!

Talk to y'all later


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Mrs Doing Me 

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